Clean Air Day

It’s National Clean Air Day today, so I wrote the following letter to my MP. Hi Ruth, Congratulations on your re-election to represent the people of Chiswick again. I am extremely concerned about the air pollution situation in this country and the lack of will by the current Government to address this with a cohesive […]

When IT goes bad – a story of PCWorld and DPD system failures

Timeline of how PC World and DPD deliveries completely fail their customer. 27/03/2017 @ 10:49 I made an order for 3 items with my PC World business account. The PC World website did not confirm which delivery address the order would be shipped to. 27/03/2017 @ 10:50 I received the confirmation email from PC World […]

The Carbon Cost of Skiing

We love to ski almost as much as we love the environment but there is an obvious conflict between the two. The two factors that most concern us most are the CO2 emissions from the travel and the air pollution from vehicles in the vulnerable mountain regions. Looking into travelling to Mt Blanc, we found […]

Thoughts on Beyond The Flood

After watching Beyond The Flood we came to the conclusion that the world is in dire peril and how we approach this information comes down to the following metaphor: When the Titanic was sinking how did you choose to spend your last 15 minutes? Were you fighting for a place in the lifeboats, hiding in […]

Relative Carbon Dioxide Emissions

Given the earth’s level of atmospheric CO2 has recently breached the 400ppm barrier and it is proven that CO2 levels in the atmosphere affect our climate, I thought I’d have a look into measuring and reducing the carbon dioxide my family’s activities emit. Using the excellent Carbon Calculator at Climate Care we can get […]